Performance Packages
Our performance packages are designed to support you in achieving your goals. By pulling together experts in their relevant fields and combining their knowledge we can offer you a multi-disciplinary team with world class expertise in all areas that will affect your performance.
We use a 3 step process, Profiling, Performance Plan, Performance.
We start by profiling your current level of performance, this allows us to identify the areas that you need to work on in order to improve your performance in your target event(s).
We then develop a performance plan. This looks at from all perspectives, from your threshold power to your nutrition, through to your mindset. Every aspect of performance is assessed, and then optimised to maximise performance.
Finally it is time for performance. We continue to support your performance even during your target event.
Profiling allows us to identify your strengths and weaknesses. It allows us to see where we can have the biggest impact in terms of improving your performance. Profiling also allows us to track your progress over time. This is important as the areas in which you can improve the most may change over time.
Profiling starts by looking at your Goals
We then consider all aspects that will influence performance:
Physiology: Critical Power, Power Duration Curve
Sports Psychology
Strength and Conditioning
Please click here to find out more about the profiling services we offer
This is where we take all the information we have collated during your profiling and develop and individualised performance plan integrating sport science and coaching to maximise your performance.
A performance plan consisted of 3 components:
This is the day to day sessions that you will undertake. Each session will be tailored to your individual physiology and will have a specific goal. Coaching includes:
Coach Contact
Training Plan
Goal Setting
Tactics and Performance Analysis
To know how you are responding to your training plan we need to monitor your performance. In addition monitoring how you feel on a day by day basis will allow us to customise individual sessions to ensure that you are getting the maximum benefit from each training session. Monitoring options include:
RPE efforts
Adaptation monitoring
Readiness to Train
It is not just the training you do on the bike that affects performance, other aspects are also important. We offer services to allow you to optimise aspects of performance these include:
Nutritional Strategies and Carbohydrate Periodisation
Sports Psychology Interventions
Strength and Conditioning
Bike Fitting

This is what it is all about - enabling you to perform!
Come race day we continue to offer support your performance through:
Race Day Plans
Individualised Warm Up
Nutritional Plans
Sports Psychology Strategies
Please click here to find out more about the performance services we offer

Performance Plan

'We work with professional and amateur athletes, each offers their own unique challenge, every performance plan needs to be customised to the individual athlete'
James is British Cycling qualified coach, he is UK Anti Doping registered 'coach clean' coach, he is member of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Scientists and has completed a MSc in Applied Sport Science focussing on improving endurance performance in elite cyclists. In addition, he is a member of the UK Coaching Performance Coaching Association - the UK's most prestigious association for performance-focused sports coaches in the UK.
James was a professional cyclist based in Belgium for 5 years, in that time he competed in races such as Kuurne Brussel Kuurne and Brabantse Pijl in addition to competing world-wide from Asia to South America.
Later he moved onto cyclocross in which he competed at the very highest level including World Cups, Supersprestigue and Bpost Bank race.
James has the scientific and applied knowledge to optimise training prescription and ultimately optimise your performance.
James has worked with, or continues to coach, Olympians, European Champions in Cyclocross, National Road Race Champions, National Track Champions as well as World and Europeans Championship medallists across a number of disciplines. In total James has coached riders to over 20 World, European or National Championships medals.

'Our evidence based approach uses the latest knowledge and techniques in the field of sports science and coaching together with my extensive experience as both an athlete and coach to build your individualised performance plan'
There often come times in your career when you need an outside eye on what you're doing. James has been that eye. His knowledge of power and performance analysis are huge. Having him as part of my coaching team has been really important and given me belief I needed, exactly when I needed it.
I have worked with James for several years; from working full time in London with very limited time to train to now being a full time athlete on the Irish track squad. James’ depth of knowledge and attention to detail has proved invaluable throughout, from winning my first Irish Road Championships in 2015 to my Silver Medal at the World Championships.

Lydia Boylan Multiple Irish National Road Champion, European and World Championship silver medallist