Profiling is the first step in developing your performance plan and ultimately maximising your performance. Every plan starts off with a profiling assessment that allows us to;
Baseline assessment of your current level of performance.
We use these baseline values to model performance and develop a performance plan that aims to maximise the improvements you achieve in the areas that matter most to your performance in your goal event(s).
Track changes over time.
By repeating elements of the original profiling we can accurately measure the improvements you have made over a given period. When we do this, we also reassess if we are still prioritising the areas where you improvements will have the biggest impact on performance. This ongoing process means we can continually work on maximising your strengths and minimising your weaknesses and therefore optimising performance.

Critical Power (CP) is the threshold concept being used to win Olympic medals.
Your CP is the maximal power output you can sustain through aerobic pathways. This is important because when you exercise above CP you start to use your anaerobic reserve (W’) and that is limited. CP represents the maximum power output at which your muscles can achieve homeostasis. Ride above CP and substances start to build up within the muscle cells that will eventually limit the muscles cells ability to contract and therefore mean you are unable to sustain that power output.
CP is therefore linked to the underlying physiology of power production. Because of this, by manipulating if you train below, or above CP, and by how much, we can target specific physiological changes and therefore specific adaptations to training.

Training Zones

Power Profile

When doing specific efforts or racing a specific distance it is important to know what power output you are capable of for a given duration. This allows you to effectively pace your effort, maximising your power output whilst ensuring you don’t blow up.
We model your maximal power profile curve. This means we can accurately predict your maximal power output even if you haven’t done a maximal effort of that duration before.
We then integrate this information into your race day pacing strategy to maximise race performance.
​When training is it important to target specific adaptions. Doing this allows you to improve your weaknesses and maximise your strengths.
Training zones need to be linked to your individual physiology. This allows you to target specific aspects of performance while out training. We develop both power and heart rate training zones to allow you to maximise every training session.



It is important that we understand how you are fuelling your training session, if you are taking any supplements and your nutritional preferences.
This allows us to identify if you are maximising the adaptation to each training session.
Using our Tools of Performance Strategies (TOPS) assessment we identify the strategies that you already use in training and racing. We also identify areas that might be of additional benefit.
Secondly we use this assessment to develop a communication strategy, this enables us to provide information in a way you can best engage and understand it.

Functional Strength


We provide all the information collected during your profiling and report it in a way that is informative and easy to understand. Click on the large reporting logo to see an example report
​Producing power on the bike means you need a strong core to stabilise the power you are putting out
We assess this via a functional assessment. We assess if you need to be doing off the bike exercises to maximise the power you can put out on the bike.
Being strong can also mean that you move less on the bike increasing comfort, minimising injury risk and improving aerodynamics.